Strawberry consumption and usage improves quality of life greatly, with both physical and emotional benefits. Although strawberries have a large market in Canada, most people do not have the chance to enjoy them daily. Many strawberry products are available, yet they are only purchased by a fraction of the population. Others do not find the time or necessity to consume the fruit, even if they are fond of the flavor.
As a whole, the strawberry industry has only affected consumers and growers in beneficial aspects. To best ensure the success of the industry, this bill requests for a law to be passed that mandates daily consumption of strawberries. The recommended amount is 100g/day for adults, and this delicious fruit can improve an individual’s mood and health with a just a few bites, and grows vigorously to saturate the commercial producer’s income. Currently, the strawberry industry is a large one, but does not reach as a grand a scale as it hypothetically could. With the abundance of benefits, it seems prudent to enlarge production and distribution, as long as the conditions of the new laws are determined carefully.
Strawberries both fresh and processed contain many nutrients essential to human health. They are extremely high in vitamin C, which, while being necessary for human health, is often under-consumed. 100g (2/3c) of strawberries a day will provide the average human with 100% of their needed vitamin C. Strawberries are also high in flavonoids, which can eliminate cancerous cells as well as inhibit diarrhoea. Another benefit is the antioxidants, which repair damage done by free radicals (by products of the cells when oxygen is used), and can reduce risk of stroke, heart disease, and diabetes. Even the action of eating strawberries has its benefit: malic acid in the berry whitens teeth by removing stains without damaging the enamel. A daily dose of strawberries will improve an individual’s health in more ways than one, from reducing risk of chronic disease, to cleaning teeth.
The flavour of strawberries is a widely accepted one; most people like the taste. Sugar is present in the berry in sufficient amounts to attract most consumers, but they are not excessively sweet so almost everyone can enjoy strawberries. Used in smoothies, strawberries give great taste without added sugar, and the fresh fruit needs no additives to be considered a delicious snack. When eaten, a good-tasting strawberry satisfies the consumer, and improves mood in a way only tasty foods can. However, they are also healthier and more filling than most joy-inducing snacks. There are no negative after effects to eating strawberries, and they are almost as widely enjoyed as chocolate. Most people enjoy these fruits, and eating them more often would be welcomed. If everyone is required to eat strawberries, it would improve the overall mood and perhaps even lower depression rates.
Mandating strawberry consumption has many benefits and few disadvantages, but the details must be laid out carefully. Some people are allergic to strawberries, and exceptions must be made. Children and adults should also have to consume different amounts of the fruit, because their nutritional requirements are different. Each person will have to pay a strawberry tax as well; Alberta lacks strawberry suppliers, so larger quantities must be purchased from places such as California. The tax will supplement the purchase, as well as help develop a larger domestic strawberry industry. With the help of the tax, Alberta could very well become a strong strawberry producer, with fresh strawberries in the summer, and greenhouse strawberries off season. Because consumption is necessary, the growers will have adequate funds to operate in all seasons. If fresh strawberries become entirely unattainable at any point, frozen and freeze-dried will suffice.
As strawberries are extremely good for both physical and emotional health, there is no reason for people to not eat them, except in the case of allergy. Regular consumption will improve general health and increase life expectancy. They also serve as great-tasting snacks without the guilt factor of most good-tasting foods. If strawberry consumption becomes compulsory, it will also improve the industry in Alberta, and will reduce reliance on California’s crop. Because of the larger market, the growers will also benefit from the augmented business. Fruit sold in stores will also be fresher, which, to consumers is a great improvement. Nearly everyone will have the benefits of strawberries, which are direct benefits to quality of life.